Windows & Doors

Annual Maintenance Services

There is a constant focus on enhancing customer experience and delivering superior service. To reinforce this commitment, An Annual Maintenance Services (AMC) plan for Fenesta Windows and Doors

Covered in AMC

  • 2 scheduled visits for periodic maintenance
  • Inspection of all hardware items
  • Checking alignment of fixtures for smooth operation
  • Cleaning & lubrication of the hardware
  • Immediate assistance for emergencies and break-ins
  • Assured repairs using genuine hardware
  • Seamless service at doorstep and access to Fenesta's well-established service network

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is an AMC?

A: AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract or Annual Maintenance Charge) is an annual charge for the maintenance of Fenesta’s Windows and Doors.

Q: What are the benefits of Fenesta’s AMC plan ?

A: 2 scheduled visits for periodic maintenance of your Fenesta windows and doors which will include, checking and inspection of all Hardware Items and recommend for general servicing or for replacement Checking the alignment of doors and windows for proper functionality and smooth operation of moving parts Cleaning & lubricating necessary hardware items with Fenesta recommended cleaning agent only. Immediate unlimited assistance in case of any breakages or stuck in any emergency situation related to your Fenesta windows and doors Assurance of repairs using genuine hardware at discounted rates

Q: What is the validity of the AMC ?

A: This contract is valid for one year from the date of payment and issuance of AMC

What Client's Say